
Social inequality refers to differential access to and use of resources across various domains (e.g., health, education, occupations) that result in disparities across gender, race/ethnicity, class, and other important social markers. Penn State’s psychology department recognizes the importance of using psychological approaches to better understand why social inequalities exist and to provide interventions rooted in psychological theory to reduce these disparities wherever possible. We believe that psychological approaches can inform efforts to understand and remedy social inequalities in public health (differential rates of disease among various populations), education (achievement gaps between students), and sustainability (differential consequences of climate change for different groups).  We are one of the few psychology departments to take a systematic approach to understanding and addressing social inequalities. With this in mind, we leverage the existing strengths in our department related to the study of social inequality into a more coherent and cohesive approach that builds on the department’s cross-cutting themes related to neuroscience and translational research.

To combat the disparities in health suffered by specific populations, we must first understand how, where, why, and for whom they arise. The scientific community has documented well that these conditions are extraordinarily complex and multi-factorial in nature.

Gender psychology is a fascinating subfield of psychology that examines the role of gender in shaping individuals’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It encompasses a wide range of topics, from the development of gender identity to the impact of gender stereotypes on mental health.

One of the primary areas of study within gender psychology is gender identity. This refers to an individual’s subjective experience of their gender, which may or may not align with their biological sex. Research has shown that gender identity can develop as early as age two and is influenced by a variety of factors, including socialization, culture, and biology.

Another important topic within gender psychology is gender stereotypes. These are beliefs and expectations about what is appropriate or typical behavior for men and women. While some gender stereotypes may have a basis in reality, others are harmful and can contribute to gender-based discrimination and inequality. For example, the stereotype that women are emotional and irrational can lead to women being dismissed or disregarded in professional settings.

Gender psychology also explores the impact of gender on mental health. Research has shown that gender can influence the prevalence and presentation of certain mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, societal expectations and gender roles can create unique stressors for individuals that may contribute to mental health problems.

Understanding gender psychology is crucial for promoting gender equality and improving mental health outcomes for individuals of all genders. By examining the ways in which gender influences our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, researchers can develop more effective interventions and treatments for mental health disorders. Additionally, addressing harmful gender stereotypes and promoting gender inclusivity can help create a more just and equitable society for everyone.

In conclusion, gender psychology is an important subfield of psychology that examines the ways in which gender shapes our lives. By exploring topics such as gender identity, stereotypes, and mental health, researchers can gain a better understanding of the complex interplay between gender and psychological functioning. This knowledge can be used to promote gender equality and improve mental health outcomes for individuals of all genders.

Gender Labs

Primary Investigator:
Primary Investigator:

Program Areas:

Adult Clinical

Associated Centers: