Undergraduate Student Services and Academic Advising
Our goal is that you will not only establish a meaningful, supportive relationship with your adviser, but that you will also learn skills and knowledge that will assist you in meeting your personal, professional, and academic goals.
- Students will meet with their adviser at least once a semester and access them as needed.
- Students will identify their degree requirements as represented on their degree audit and apply it to the development and implementation of their long-term educational plan.
- Students will graduate in a timely manner by using their educational plan and selecting appropriate courses each semester.
- Students will utilize appropriate campus resources to assist them in achieving their academic, professional, and personal goals.
- Students will articulate how courses they select fit into a well-rounded education.
Scheduling Appointments
Students in the Psychology major can schedule appointments that range from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the nature of their questions and advisers are each offering a blend of in person and virtual options. These can be scheduled by visiting the following website which links to your Starfish account.
Students who arrive later than halfway through their appointment slot, will be asked to reschedule.
Those pursuing or exploring the psychology minor may not schedule appointments and are encouraged to work with an adviser via email or visit advising during our drop in hours
Spring Drop-ins:
- Tuesday mornings 10am-12pm VIRTUAL – login here: https://tinyurl.com/psychkiosk
- Wednesday afternoons 1pm to 3:30pm Hybrid – 125 Moore Building. Just scan QR code outside the office or login here: https://tinyurl.com/psychkiosk
- Thursday afternoons 1pm –3pm Hybrid – 125 Moore Building. Just scan QR code outside the office or login here: https://tinyurl.com/psychkiosk
If you have brief questions or concerns that can be addressed within 10 minutes or are a psychology minor we suggest you attend drop in advising.
Thirty minute Appointments are meant for issues that you know will take longer than 10 or 15 minutes. Examples of topics that could be covered in an appointment include:
- Change of major or concurrent major paperwork
- Long-range planning
- Transferring credits from other institutions
- Study abroad planning
- Major/career/postgraduate exploration
- Reviewing Act 48 forms
You should schedule your appointment with your assigned adviser. Students can check who their assigned adviser is by logging onto Starfish.
How to Schedule Appointments
Do you already have a psychology adviser?
If you said YES, then simply click here to be directed to our Meet the Advisers page where you can find a direct link to your adviser’s calendar
If you said NO,
Are you a psychology minor? If you are a psychology minor or are interested in a psychology minor, please visit us during drop-in hours listed above. We regret that with our high volume of majors we cannot hold appointments for minors but would be glad to see you during drop ins and would suggest referring to our website for minors located here
Are you exploring our major for a change or possible concurrent major? Then you will need to request access to schedule an appointment in Starfish. Please follow these steps:
Step One: Log into Starfish
From your Dashboard choose “Raise Your Hand”
Step Two: Choose Request for Psych Change or Add Major Appointment from the drop-down menu
Step Three: Once your request has been reviewed, you will receive an email within a few business days from our staff. It will provide directions on the next steps to schedule your appointment, using our Starfish service for those considering a change to or addition of a psychology major.
Appointment Cancellation
If you are unable to make your scheduled appointment, you may cancel your appointment through the scheduling system up to 36 hours in advance. If you are unable to cancel the appointment yourself, please contact the adviser via e-mail as soon as you realize you are unable to meet at your designated time.
Parents of Psychology Students, continue to read more on our Parent Site.