Professional Bio
Rick O. Gilmore is Professor of Psychology and a Huck Institute of the Life Sciences Faculty Co-fund.
Gilmore studies the development of brain networks that enable perceivers to extract information about the layout of the environment, the shape of objects, and the speed and direction of self-movement from patterns of visual motion called optic flow. Gilmore is also keenly interested in developing tools and practices that make scientific research more open, transparent, and reproducible. He and Karen Adolph (NYU) co-founded and co-direct the Databrary.org data library and support the Datavyu.org video data coding tool.
From 2008 to 2014, Gilmore served as the founding Director of Human Imaging at Penn State's Social, Life, and Engineering Sciences Imaging Center (SLEIC). He has won the College of the Liberal Arts tenure-line faculty teaching award, leads the Human Developmental Neuroscience Initiative for the Child Study Center, and has had support for his research from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. Gilmore has served as president of the Centre Region Bicycle Coalition, the Acoustic Brew Concert Series, and the State College Community Theatre. An FCC-licensed amateur radio operator (K3ROG), Gilmore is faculty adviser for the Penn State Amateur Radio Club and K3CR repeater trustee. He is on the Elections Board for State College East Precinct 26.