Curriculum Vitae
Professional Bio
Research Interests
Louis Castonguay ’s primary research interest is on different aspects of psychotherapy, including variables related to the clients, therapists, therapeutic relationship, treatment interventions, and training. Several of his studies have taken place in the context of Practice Research Networks, which are designed to foster researchers and clinicians’ collaboration in investigating psychotherapy as conducted in naturalistic settings.
Louis Castonguay's lab web page
Louis Castonguay's Research Program
Recent Edited Books
Principles of change: How psychotherapists implement research in practice Edited by Louis G. Castonguay, Michael Constantino, and Larry E. Beutler
Practice-oriented research in psychotherapy: building partnerships between clinicians and researchEdited by Louis G. Castonguay and J. Christopher Muran
Transformation in Psychotherapy: Corrective Experiences Across Cognitive Behavioral, Humanistic, and Psychodynamic Approaches
Edited by Louis G. Castonguay, PhD; Clara E. Hill, PhD
Principles of Therapeutic Change that Work
Edited by Louis G. Castonguay and Larry E. Beutler
Insight in Psychotherapy
Edited by Louis G. Castonguay, PhD; Clara E. Hill, PhD
Bringing Psychotherapy Research to Life: Understanding Change Through the Work of Leading Clinical ResearchersEdited by Louis G. Castonguay, PhD; J. Christopher Muran, PhD; Lynne Angus, PhD; Jeffrey A. Hayes, PhD; Nicholas Ladany, PhD; and Timothy Anderson, PhD
Psychopathology: From science to clinical practice
Edited by Louis G. Castonguay & Thomas Oltmanns
Selected publications
Castonguay, L.G., Atzil-Slonim, D., de Jong, K., & Youn, S.J (in press) Practice-Oriented Research: An Introduction to New Developments and Future Directions. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
Castonguay, L.G., Youn, S.J., Boswell, J.F., Kilcullen, J.R., Xiao, H., McAleavey, A.A., Boutselis, M., Braver, M., Chiswick, N., Hemmelstein, N., Jackson, J., Lytle, R., Morford, M., Scott, H., Spayd, C., & O’Leary Wiley (in press). Therapeutic techniques and session impact: A practice-research network study in private practice. Psychotherapy Research
Davis, K.A., Zhao, F., Janis, R.A., Castonguay, L.G., Hayes, J.A., & Scofield., B.E. (in press). Therapeutic alliance and clinical outcome in in-person psychotherapy and teletherapy: A noninferiority study. Psychotherapy Research
Fernández-Álvarez, J., Molinari, G., Kilcullen, J.R., Delgadillo, J., Drill, R., Errázuriz, P., Falkenström, F., Firth, N.,O’Shea, A., Youn., S.J., & Castonguay, L.G. (in press). The importance of conducting practice-oriented research with underserved populations. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
Constantino, M.J., Castonguay, L.G., Coyne, A.E., Boswell, J.F., & Newman, M.G. (2023). Baseline Overly Accommodating Interpersonal Problems in Relation to Parsed Alliance-Outcome Associations in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Psychotherapy Research, 33, 3-15.
Xiao, H., Castonguay, L.G., Hayes, J.A., Janis, R. A., & Locke, B.D. (2023). Reconstructing Dropout: Building From Multiple Definitions, Therapist Effects, and Center Effects. Psychotherapy Research, 33, 146-157.
Pottschmidt, N. R., Castonguay, L. G., Janis, R. A., Carney, D.M., Kilcullen, J. R., Davis, K. A., & Scofield, B. E. (2022) Client-therapist convergence on sleep difficulty and its impact on treatment outcomes. Psychotherapy Research, 32, 663-677.
Castonguay, L.G., Barkham, M., Youn, S.J., & Page, A.C. (2021). Practice-based evidence: Findings from routine clinical settings. In M. Barkham, W. Lutz, & L.C., Castonguay (Eds.). Bergin and Garfield’s handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change (7th edition). New York: Wiley.
Castonguay, L.G., Eubanks, C.F., Iwakabe, S., Kraus, M., Page, A.C., Zilcha-Mano, S., Lutz, W., & Barkham, M. (2021). Epilogue: Prevalent themes, predictions, and recommendations. In M. Barkham, W. Lutz, & L.C., Castonguay (Eds.). Bergin and Garfield’s handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change (7th edition). New York: Wiley.
Kilcullen, J.R., Castonguay, L.G., Janis, R.A., Hallquist, M.N., Hayes, J.A., & Loke, B. D. (2021). Predicting future courses of psychotherapy within a grouped LASSO framework. Psychotherapy Research, 31, 63-77.
McAleavey, A.A, Castonguay, L.G., Hayes, J.A., Locke, B.D. (2020). Multilevel vs single level factor analysis. Differentiating within-person and between-person variability using the CCAPS-34. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88, 907-922.
McAleavey, A.A., Youn, S.J., Xiao, H., Castonguay, L.G., Hayes, J.A., & Locke, B.D. (2019). Effectiveness of routine psychotherapy: Methods matters. Psychotherapy Research, 29, 139-156.
Youn, S.J., Xiao, H., McAleavey, A., Scofield, B.E., Pedersen, T.R., Castonguay, L.G., Hayes, J.A., & Locke, B.D. (2019). Assessing and investigating clinicians’ research interests: Lessons on expanding practices and data collection in a large practice research network. Psychotherapy,56, 67-82.
Xiao, H., Castonguay, L.G., Janis, R.B, Youn, S.J., Hayes, J.A., & Locke, B.D. (2017). Therapist Effects on Dropout from a College Counseling Center Practice Research Network. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 64, 424-431.
Xiao, H., Hayes, J.A., Castonguay, L.G., McAleavey, A.A., & Locke, B.D. (2017). Therapist effects and the impacts of therapy non-attendance. Psychotherapy, 54, 58-65.
Hayes, J.A., McAleavey, A.A., Castonguay, L.G., & Locke, B.D. (2016). Psychotherapist effects with White and racial/ethnic minority clients: First, the good news. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 63, 261-268.
Nordberg, S.S., Castonguay, L.G., McAleavey, A.A., Locke, B.D., & Hayes, J.A. (2016). Enhancing feedback for clinical use: Creating and evaluating profiles of clients seeking counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 63, 278-293.
Castonguay, L.G., Eubanks, C., Goldfried, M.R., Muran, J.C., & Lutz, W. (2015). Research in psychotherapy integration: Relevance of the past and necessity for the future. Psychotherapy Research, 25, 365-382.
Castonguay, L.G., & Muran, J.C. (2015). Fostering collaboration between researchers and clinicians through building practice-oriented research: An introduction. Psychotherapy Research, 25, 1-5.
Castonguay, L.G., Pincus, A.L., & McAleavey, A.A. (2015). Practice-Research Network in a psychology training clinic: Building an infrastructure to foster early attachment to the scientific-practitioner model. Psychotherapy Research, 25, 52-66.
Castonguay, L.G., Youn, S.J., Xiao, H., Muran, J.C., & Barber, J.P. (2015). Building clinicians-researchers partnerships: Lessons from diverse natural settings and practice-oriented initiatives. Psychotherapy Research, 25, 166-184.
Koerner, K., & Castonguay, L.G. (2015). Practice-oriented research: What it takes to do collaborative research in private practice. Psychotherapy Research, 25, 67-83.
McAleavey, A.A., Lockard, A.J., Castonguay, L.G., Hayes, J.A., & Locke, B.D. (2015). Building a practice research network: Obstacles faced and lessons learned at the center for collegiate mental health. Psychotherapy Research, 25,134-151.
Zack, S.E., Castonguay, L.G., Boswell, J.F., McAleavey, A.A., Adelman, R., Kraus, D., & Pate, G.A. (2015). Attachment history as a moderator of the alliance outcome relationship in adolescents. Psychotherapy, 52, 258-267
McAleavey, A.A., & Castonguay, L.G. (2014). Insight as a common and specific impact of psychotherapy: Therapist-reported exploratory, directive, and common factors interventions. Psychotherapy, 51, 283-294.
McAleavey, A.A., Castonguay, L.G., & Xiao, H. (2014). Therapist orientation, supervision match, and therapeutic interventions: Implication for session quality in a psychotherapy training practice research network. Counseling and Psychotherapy Research, 14, 192-200.
Nordberg, S.S., Castonguay, L.G., Fisher, A.J., Boswell, J.F., & Kraus, D. (2014). Validating the rapid responder construct within a practice research network. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 70, 886-903.
Castonguay, L.G., Locke, B.D., & Hayes, J.A. (2011). The Center for Collegiate Mental Health: An Example of a Practice-Research Network in University Counseling Centers, Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 25, 105-119.
Boswell, J.F., Castonguay, L.G., & Wasserman, R. H. (2010). Effects of Psychotherapy Training and Intervention Use on Session Outcome. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78, 717-723.
Castonguay, L.G., Boswell, J.F.,Constantino, M.J., Goldfried, M.R., & Hill, C.E. (2010). Training Implications of Harmful Effects of Psychological Treatments. American Psychologist, 65, 34-49.
Castonguay, L.G., Boswell, J.F., Zack, S., Baker, S., Boutselis, M., Chiswick, N., Damer, D., Hemmelstein, N., Jackson, J., Morford, M., Ragusea, S., Roper, G., Spayd, C., Weiszer, T., Borkovec, T.D., & Grosse Holtforth,, M. (2010). Helpful and hindering events in psychotherapy: A practice research network study. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, and Training, 47, 327-344.
Castonguay, L., Nelson, D., Boutselis, M,. Chiswick, N., Damer, D., Hemmelstein, N., Jackson, J., Morford, M., Ragusea, R, Roper, G., Spayd, C., Weiszer, T. & Borkovec, T., (2010). Clinicians and/or Researchers? A Qualitative Analysis of Therapists’ Experiences in a Practice Research Network. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, and Training, 47, 345-354.