Congratulations are in order for Drs. Alicia Grandey, Sam Hunter, and James LeBreton, as well as some of our graduate and undergraduate student alumni (Allison Gabriel, Jennifer Diamond Acosta, and Lily Cushenberry)!
The editorial board of the Journal of Business and Psychology selected their best papers of 2015 for the Editor Commendation award. Over 500 papers were considered for this honor, and of the 9 selected, 3 were awarded to Penn State I/O's own faculty and student alumni!
Check out their papers below (Faculty, *doctoral students, **undergraduates):
Gabriel**, A. S., Acosta*, J. D., &
Grandey, A. A. (2015). The Value of a Smile: Does Emotional Performance Matter More in Familiar or Unfamiliar Exchanges?
Journal of Business and Psychology,
30(1), 37–50.
Hunter, S. T., & Cushenbery*, L. (2015). Is Being a Jerk Necessary for Originality? Examining the Role of Disagreeableness in the Sharing and Utilization of Original Ideas.
Journal of Business and Psychology,
30(4), 621–639.
Tonidandel, S., & LeBreton, J. M. (2015). RWA Web: A Free, Comprehensive, Web-Based, and User-Friendly Tool for Relative Weight Analyses. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30(2), 207–216.