Graduate study in developmental psychology at Penn State provides students with comprehensive training in theory, methods, and empirical study of the processes and mechanisms of developmental change from infancy to adolescence. Separate pages on this site describe the research interests of our faculty, information about our labs and current postdocs and graduate students, and details about our training program. If you are considering graduate study in developmental psychology, we encourage you to explore this site to learn more about our program and our faculty’s particular areas of expertise.
We offer training in several thematic areas described in more detail on the Themes page. These include Perceptual and cognitive development; Biological Bases; Gender; Emotion, Temperament, and Adjustment; and Ecology of Development.
Graduate applications are due December 1, and we encourage prospective students to contact faculty members by email if they have questions or want more information about the program.

Contact the Developmental Area
- Graduate Office, Graduate Records
- 814-863-1721
- 133A Moore Building, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802