Natalia Van Doren


Van Doren

Pronouns: she/her/hers


PhD, 2023, The Pennsylvania State University
BA, 2016, University of California, Berkeley

Professional Bio

Natalia Van Doren, PhD, is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Francisco. She completed her PhD at Penn State in 2023 and her clinical psychology internship at the VA Palo Alto Healthcare System. The latest updates on her research can be found on her website: https://sites.psu.edu/nataliavandoren/ 



Representative Publications (see Google Scholar for complete list)

  1. Van Doren, N., Bray, B.C., Soto, J.A., Linden-Carmichael, A.N. (2023). Associations between day-level affect profiles and same-day substance use among young adults. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. DOI forthcoming.
  2. Van Doren, N., Oravecz, Z., Soto, J.A., Roeser, R.W. (2022). Examining the cultural consensus on beliefs about mindfulness among U.S. early adults. Mindfulness. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-022-01956-x 
  3.  Van Doren, N., Dickens, C., Benson, L., Brick, T.R., Gatzke-Kopp, L., Oravecz, Z. (2021). Capturing emotion coherence in daily life: Using ambulatory physiology measures and ecological momentary assessments to examine within-person associations and individual differences. Biological Psychology, 162, 108074. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsycho.2021.108074
  4. Van Doren, N., Zainal, N. H., & Newman, M. G. (2021). Cross-cultural and gender invariance of emotion regulation in the United States and India. Journal of Affective Disorders, 295, 1360–1370. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2021.04.089
  5. Van Doren, N., Soto, J.A. (2021) Paying the price for anger: Do women bear greater costs? International Journal of Psychology, 56(3), 331-337. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijop.12724
Natalia Van Doren
Natalia Van Doren