Psychology of Leadership

Psychology of Leadership

Master of Professional Studies in Psychology of Leadership

This 33-credit online master of professional studies degree in Psychology of Leadership from Penn State World Campus is designed for working professionals seeking to enhance their careers through advanced education in leadership. The program focuses on applying psychological theories, research, and practices to solve practical leadership problems, support organizational goals, and effectively lead and motivate diverse work groups and individual employees.

Stackable Credentials

You can earn up to three related graduate certificates—Psychology of Leadership Foundations, Psychology of Ethical Leadership, and Psychology of Team Leadership—on your educational journey toward earning a master of professional studies degree in Psychology of Leadership. These stackable credentials allow you to combine certificate coursework with additional courses to complete the master’s degree. To earn each certificate, you must apply, be accepted, and complete the required courses. If eligible, you can earn all three certificates by meeting the master’s degree requirements. Consultation with an academic adviser is required. Not every student may qualify; academic and administrative policies do apply.

Psychology of Leadership Foundations

This 9-credit online graduate certificate program examines the foundations of leadership psychology. The courses can help students prepare for leadership promotions, analyze and enhance their leadership styles, and motivate and influence others in the workplace.

The Psychology of Leadership Foundations (PSLDRF) certificate courses are required to be taken before the Psychology of Ethical Leadership (PSYELD) and the Psychology of Team Leadership (PSYTL) certificate courses. Students should complete this PSLDRF certificate before moving on to the others. However, it is possible for a student to pursue a stand-alone PSYTL certificate, if the two elective courses taken are PSY 532 and PSY 539.

Psychology of Ethical Leadership

This 9-credit online graduate certificate program can help you become a better leader who fosters integrity in the workplace, successfully navigates challenging ethical dilemmas, and establishes and reinforces ethical organizational values.

Psychology of Team Leadership

This 12-credit online graduate certificate program explores the research and theories shown to improve team leadership effectiveness. Coursework focuses on skills leaders need to motivate team members, foster collaboration, and make unbiased decisions for effective organizational leadership.