Table of Contents
Abnormal Psychology (PSYCH 470)
David Joseph Wimer
Contextual and Systemic Factors in Psychology (PSYCH 490; Senior Seminar)
This course is designed to provide an overview of the theoretical and empirical literature about how culture and context are associated with development during childhood and adolescence. The primary cultural variables explored include race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status/poverty as well as related process variables (i.e., identity formation and socialization). In addition, various environment and setting level variables will be explored, with special attention to the neighborhood context singularly and its simultaneous influence on other meaning systems (i.e., family, school, etc.). Further, this course directs attention to social policy and interventions that potentially improve the lives of children, youth, and families by targeting “cultural” variables.
Diversity in Organizations (PSYCH 597; Graduate Seminar)
Kisha Jones
This course focuses on understanding the perspectives of individuals that have been traditionally underprivileged in the workplace, including women, racial/ethnic minorities, and LGBT individuals. Students will be exposed to theories and empirical research from psychology, management, and other related areas that will allow them to better understand how gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, and other characteristics influence entry into the workplace, career advancement, interpersonal treatment, and other work experiences. Emphasis will be placed on how multiple identities intersect to influence work outcomes as well as how multilevel factors outside of organizations (e.g., society, community, etc.) influence the work context.
Human Development, Health, and Education from a Global Perspective (PSYCH 497H, proposed to be PSYCH 472H)
The course uses Nepal and/or India as a case in point and spends considerable time on the disparities in those cultures and relating them more generally to disparities around the world including the U.S. We have touched on themes such as the origins of caste/class differentiation, relations to religion and economics, colorism, and sexism.
Introduction to the Psychology of Gender (PSYCH 231)
Places the psychological study of gender in historical and contemporary perspectives. Explores the role of gender in development, self-concept, social relations, and mental health. After a beginning period of domination by men, the rise of feminism in the 1960s and 1970s in the US gave impetus to the study of women and gender. Through both traditional and feminist research methods, psychologists have sought to clarify what is general among and between women and men, and what may be individualized to specific persons or groups. Conceptions of gender are also examined cross-culturally. Emphasis of study is upon those experiences that are specifically related to gender, such as stereotypes and expectations of femininity, violence against women, economic and work-related constraints, and pregnancy and childbirth.
Introduction to Well-being and Positive Psychology (PSYCH 243)
PSYCH 243 deals with the issue of inequalities from beginning to end, and the respect of the personhood of every human from every possible angle.
L1 Acquisition (PSYCH427 / LING 446)
This course focuses on first language acquisition, but also covers language acquisition of immigrant children. Different perspectives of language acquisition are explored such as imitation theories, social construction theories, and innateness theories. In addition, the course covers the various stages of language acquisition including phonological (sound system), morphological (word meaning), syntactical (grammar) and semantic (meaning) development from birth to adulthood. Other related subfields covered in the course include the acquisition of Pidgin and Creole languages, bilingual and multilingual acquisition, and language acquisition and linguistic change.
Multicultural Psychology in America (PSYCH 432)
This course is intended to introduce and familiarize students with the concept of multicultural psychology. Generally speaking, this means we approach the entire field of psychology from a perspective that is mindful of the diversity in today’s society. In this class, we explore several concepts relevant to social inequality and disparities such as acculturative stress, racism and discrimination, and health and mental health disparities. We also discuss approaches to cultural competence in working with diversity in varying professional contexts.
Place-based Effects on Youth Development (PSYCH 490; Senior Seminar)
This course is designed to provide an introduction to the theoretical and empirical literature about how characteristics of place (i.e., community, neighborhood, activity space) are associated with development during childhood and adolescence. Topics to be discussed in this class include attention to cultural variables (i.e., race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status (SES), acculturation), exposure to violence, parenting strategies, and a variety of youth academic, behavioral, and psycho-social outcomes (e.g., academic self-concept, deviance, friendships, substance use, and identity). An important aspect of this course is examining how place interacts with culture (e.g., race/ethnicity and SES) to affect youth behavior.
Psychology of Adjustment (PSYCH 471)
David Joseph Wimer
Social disparities are covered throughout this course, examining how demographics factors such as gender and sexual orientation influence adjustment
School-Based Mental Consultation (PSY 560; Graduate Seminar)
Child/family’s position in the community, both local and nationwide, is always a factor in case supervision, as well as disparities in school systems and how these affect SBMH referrals, resources, and our consultation.
Special Topics (PSYCH 497)
PSYCH 497 that I teach focuses on human development from a global perspective, with India and Nepal as cases in point, which brings us to focusing on caste, outcastes, and other disparities in South Asia (their origins, political action intended to correct, barriers to correcting cultural traditions, as well as topics like colorism, inequality in education, and students often draw contrasts between their personal experiences with “racial” ethnic or religious inequalities).